Payment/Cancellation/Return Policies

If you need to cancel/reschedule/adjust your appointment for any reason, please do so at least 48 hours in advance to avoid a 100% charge.

If you are (1) more than 7 minutes late, (2) are no call no show, or (3) do not cancel your appointment 48 hours in advance, you are still responsible for 100% of your service total. 

If it has been longer than 3 months since your last brow appointment, you are considered a New Client. 

Each client is responsible for cancelling/changing their own appointment- a text to cancel does not count- you are responsible for Vagaro changes.

By scheduling an appointment, you are agreeing to my policies. 


Returns for Store orders are permitted for new, unopened, unused items that are not on Final Sale and are sent back within 30 days of purchase date. Return Shipping is not provided.